Killustration 6 is a thesis group of six MICA students. This blog will be used for posting useful links for each other to use as resources and inspiration, as well as posting our latest sketches, work etc. for feedback.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

new work on my blog...

new stuff is mostly here for now!

this one will have a matching mate... this one is based on chastity, the other is lust... finished it, will scan and put here soon enough...

advertisement ad thing for 2 Aldo shoes... using the photographed image...

that cat lady piece, inspired by those printed miu miu shoes...
finished enough... not 100% where I want it to be...

Saturday, May 1, 2010


ALL YOUR FINAL PROJECTS!!!!!! Soooooo you should upload them somewhere, either here or like on your websites. k Happy graduation you guys! Your all awesome!